The Ultra X5 Conclusion: ECS does SEMA and Moab!

For as long as we’ve had the pleasure of watching Mike Day build some of the more spectacular creations that the modern Euro car scene has ever seen, we’ve never once been surprised when Mike’s builds perform even better than they look. Sure, Mike’s creations look extremely capable, but there’s something about the fit and [...]

2023-11-11T15:43:22-05:00November 11th, 2023|BMW, Built by Mike|Comments Off on The Ultra X5 Conclusion: ECS does SEMA and Moab!

Built by Mike: UltraX5 Progress and BIG NEWS!

If you’ve kept up with Built By Mike this season, you’ve watched our mad scientist Mike Day take his (relatively) tame winter beater X5 from a mild overlander to a wild Ultra4 behemoth. Now, as we approach the conclusion of this stage of the build, we have a HUGE announcement: Mike, some of our ECS [...]

2023-10-14T09:25:17-04:00October 14th, 2023|BMW, Built by Mike|Comments Off on Built by Mike: UltraX5 Progress and BIG NEWS!