How to Make Your MK6 or MK7 GTI Look Better in Five Minutes: ECS Direct Fit Exhaust Tips

When it comes to adding personal touches to our cars, you often have three qualities to expect, and two you can pick per upgrade. As the old saying goes; you can have it fast, you can have it good, and you can have it cheap, but you can’t have all three. You have to pick [...]

2020-01-22T15:14:33-05:00January 22nd, 2020|About, DIYs, Exhaust, Volkswagen|Comments Off on How to Make Your MK6 or MK7 GTI Look Better in Five Minutes: ECS Direct Fit Exhaust Tips

How to Stay Busy in the Last Few Weeks of Winter

Winter… it just drags on. After the holidays are over, it just feels like a dead period that runs together in a monotonous crawl until you finally emerge on the other side of the season with warm weather. Until the season changes, however, we are stuck in that boring series of weeks where all we [...]

2020-01-09T16:15:20-05:00January 9th, 2020|About, Audi, BMW, MINI, Porsche, Volkswagen|Comments Off on How to Stay Busy in the Last Few Weeks of Winter

ECS Visual Upgrades for your VW MK7 Jetta

The MK7 Jetta has made waves since its introduction as a step up in the commuter sedan with a performance twist from Volkswagen. As an alternative to the Golf, it offers grown-up looks, a trim model for every budget, and available features that would make any luxury car owner question their purchase decision. With economy [...]

2022-02-07T14:22:11-05:00January 6th, 2020|About, Volkswagen|Comments Off on ECS Visual Upgrades for your VW MK7 Jetta

The Best of 2019 at ECS Tuning

2020 is upon us. Yesterday, we took a look back at some of the decade’s car trends and made some predictions about trends to come. Today, we’re just going to reminisce about 2019. We were quite busy this year, but some highlights stick out in my mind as the best moments throughout the year. These [...]

2019-12-31T15:58:59-05:00December 31st, 2019|Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Porsche, Volkswagen, Wheels|Comments Off on The Best of 2019 at ECS Tuning

ECS Tuning Visual Upgrades for your Audi or Volkswagen

Modding cars, especially European cars, is more than just throwing on a few parts willy-nilly. It requires forethought, planning, and a well-rounded approach to an end goal. A competent enthusiast will take elements from influences in their life, influences in motorsports, and a reflection of their own style to create something unique to them. With [...]

2019-12-03T15:57:22-05:00December 3rd, 2019|About, Audi, Carbon Fiber, Volkswagen|Comments Off on ECS Tuning Visual Upgrades for your Audi or Volkswagen

CYBER Monday Deals at ECS Tuning

CYBER Monday is the recent addition to the Black Friday madness that includes all the sweet deals, sometimes better deals, but leaves out the nastiness of going to a physical store and dealing with the public. Personally, I hate shopping at brick and mortar stores, even when there are deals. For one, you have to [...]

2019-12-02T12:57:28-05:00December 2nd, 2019|About, Audi, BMW, Volkswagen|Comments Off on CYBER Monday Deals at ECS Tuning

The Best Deals This Year for Black Friday and Thanksgiving at ECS Tuning

Thanksgiving is a polarizing holiday. If you are excited about food, you are reminded of those who don’t have any. If you are thankful for family, you are again reminded of those who don’t have any to spend the day with around a table. If you are thankful for your freedom, you are reminded of [...]

2019-11-27T15:27:16-05:00November 27th, 2019|About, Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Porsche, Volkswagen|Comments Off on The Best Deals This Year for Black Friday and Thanksgiving at ECS Tuning

Christmas Shopping Ideas at ECS Tuning

Every year, we have to do it. Whether you are a die-hard, mistletoe-snorting, holly, jolly, Santa-tracking, decorations-in-October kind of Christmas freak or the Grinch-doesn’t-cut-it type of naysayer, you still have to consider all the people in your life and what you will do for each other. You’ll need to find gifts and probably have a [...]

2019-11-18T15:48:04-05:00November 18th, 2019|About, Audi, BMW, Buying Guide, MINI, Porsche, Schwaben, Volkswagen|Comments Off on Christmas Shopping Ideas at ECS Tuning

SEMA 2019: ECS Tuning Gallery

SEMA is the largest automotive expo in the world. It offers some of the best and brightest from around the community that bring new products, builds, and their determination to the center stage at the Las Vegas Convention Center. We have not been heavily present at this show, both as a result of our [...]

2019-11-14T21:27:16-05:00November 11th, 2019|Audi, BMW, MINI, Porsche, Volkswagen, Wheels|Comments Off on SEMA 2019: ECS Tuning Gallery